All local municipalities within Suffolk County are invited to participate in the rolling technical and design assistance program for pedestrian and bicycle improvements known as GEAR UP Suffolk. Led by the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development & Planning (SCEDP), the GEAR UP Suffolk program offers SCEDP staff support and technical assistance to local towns and villages who have a concept for a pedestrian and/or bicycle infrastructure improvement which aligns with or is included in the Suffolk County Hike and Bike Master Plan. Select projects will be advanced to conceptual/preliminary design through direct design assistance by SCEDP staff and coordination between SCEDP staff and the applying local municipality.
Example projects that Suffolk County Department of Economic Development & Planning staff can assist local municipalities in developing are:
- Conceptual or Preliminary Corridor Designs that incorporate 1) bike lanes (including separated and buffered bike lanes), 2) bike boxes, 3) shared-use paths, 4) sidewalks, 5) crosswalks, 6) curb extensions and bulb-outs and/or 7) rectangular rapid flashing beacons, among other improvements
- Analysis and identification of priority corridors (pre-conceptual design planning)
- Active Transportation Plans (note: especially plans for improving active transportation in downs and corridors with high bicycle and foot traffic)
- Active Transportation Outreach Efforts (including design charrettes)
Have a pedestrian and/or bicycle infrastructure improvement in mind? Check out the links below and get started applying to the GEAR UP Suffolk program:
Hike and Bike Master Plan
Safe walking and biking opportunities are expanding in Suffolk County as part of the implementation of the Suffolk County Hike and Bike Master Plan. Published in 2020, the Hike and Bike Master Plan, was the product of a robust community and stakeholder engagement and thorough consideration of the County’s existing and planned trail assets. The plan’s vision and recommendations were developed based on public input received through an online public input tool and multiple pop-up events; input provided by the Hike-Bike Technical Advisory Committee which includes town planners, hike and bike enthusiasts and advocates, County DPW and parks representatives and local planning organizations; and gap analysis conducted by the project consultant.

Check Out the 2020 Suffolk County Hike and Bike Master Plan
The Hike and Bike Master Plan recommended over 1,200 miles of prioritized improvements that would build upon Suffolk County’s existing network of on-road pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Namely, the Hike and Bike Master Plan aims to increase the footprint of the following pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure across the county:
- Shared-Use Paths and Sidepaths
- Sidewalks
- Crosswalks
- Curb Extensions and Bulb-Outs
- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons
- Bike Boxes
- Bike Lanes
- Separated/Buffered Bike Lanes
- Bike Boulevards and Signed Routes
Since publication of the Hike and Bike Master Plan, progress on developing an expanded network has already begun. In 2022, the County opened the ten-mile Port Jefferson to Wading River Hike-Bike Trail, which uses public utility rights-of-way to develop a comfortable, safe bikeway and pedestrian path along the North Shore. Suffolk County has been working on advancing priority recommendations to preliminary design and construction. Currently, Suffolk County has completed the development of conceptual designs for a dozen corridors, with more anticipated in the coming year.
For updates on the progress of the implementation of the Hike and Bike Master Plan and to see the existing pedestrian and bicycle network in Suffolk County, please check out the brand new Pedestrian and Bicycle Network Portal.
For any questions on Suffolk County’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Network or on the Suffolk County Hike and Bike Master Plan, please reach out to us at

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